Artificial Intelligence Security Report 2024 Released: 30-Fold Surge in Deep AI Forgery Fraud

The Report shows that in 2023, AI-based deep forgery frauds skyrocketed by 30,001 TP3T, and AI-based phishing emails grew by 10,001 TP3T; there have already been more than a dozen cyber-attacks perpetrated by multiple APT organizations with national backgrounds using AI. The malicious use of AI technology will grow rapidly, posing a serious threat in political security, cyber security, physical security and military security. The research shows that 67% of Chinese companies have already begun to explore opportunities for AIGC applications within their organizations or make related capital investments. It is predicted that in 2026, China's AI big model market size will reach $21.1 billion, and AI will enter a critical period of large-scale landing application.



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