Security holes in military-civilian integration enterprise platforms invaded by overseas "cyber spies".

Recently, foreign "cyber spies" often use a variety of network mapping platforms to conduct batch scans of network vulnerabilities that have come to light, and once an important unit is found to have failed to patch vulnerabilities in a timely manner, it will immediately carry out targeted attacks to steal data. Recently, the national security organs found that a military-civilian fusion enterprises, including office platforms, including a number of systems, because the software is not updated in a timely manner, there are high-risk security holes, resulting in a "doorway wide open". The enterprise's vulnerabilities were discovered by overseas "cyber spies", who utilized the vulnerabilities to invade and implant Trojan viruses, stealing the enterprise's important production and business data as well as customer information, jeopardizing the technological development of my military equipment, and thus threatening China's military security and scientific and technological security.



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