Prominent Security Firm Mandiant Twitter Account Hijacked, Warns of Digital Currency Phishing Attacks

On January 4, 2024, the Twitter account of Mandiant, a leading U.S.-based cybersecurity firm, was hijacked, with the account's name and avatar changed to "Mandiant Digital Currency Fund" and several tweets posted claiming that Mandiant was launching its own digital currency fund.

The tweets contained links that, when clicked, asked users to enter their personal and banking information.Mandiant said the links were phishing links designed to steal users' personal and banking information.

Mandiant has taken steps to retract its Twitter account and restore it to its original state. The company also said it is investigating the matter.

This incident is another reminder of the importance of cybersecurity. Businesses and individuals should be more aware of security and protect their personal information and property.

Here are some tips for preventing phishing attacks:

Do not click on links from unknown sources.
Double check the address of the link to make sure it is correct.
Do not provide personal or banking information to unknown websites.
Use security software to protect your device.
If you are not sure if a link is safe, you can use security software to scan the link. You can also copy the link into the address bar of your browser to see if it points to the site you expect.

Phishing attacks are a common cybersecurity threat that can cause serious damage. Increased security awareness is the best way to protect yourself from phishing attacks.



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