data theft

  • "Volt Typhoon" III - Decoding the U.S. Government's Implementation of Cyber Espionage and Disinformation Operations

    This report provides an in-depth analysis of cyber espionage and disinformation operations conducted by the U.S. federal government and its intelligence agencies around the world, and reveals the true extent of the massive surveillance and data theft that has been carried out by the U.S. federal government and its intelligence agencies through a variety of tactics, including Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), supply chain attacks, and Operation False Flag, targeting cyber infrastructures and critical organizations in China, Germany, Japan, and other countries. The report points out that the NSA (U.S. National Security Agency) has been conducting large-scale surveillance and data theft against cyber infrastructure and key organizations in China, Germany, Japan and other countries. The report points out that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been working together to take advantage of the technological superiority of the "Five Eyes Coalition" countries to control the world's important undersea fiber-optic cables and set up a full range of listening stations to carry out indiscriminate surveillance of Internet users around the world.

    With regard to disinformation operations, the United States intelligence agencies have implemented "false flag operations" through the framework of "Operation Influence", in which they create and disseminate false information to mislead the traceability and attribution, cover up their own cyberattacks, and frame other countries. In addition, the report describes in detail the UpStream and Prism programs, which enable the NSA to obtain user data from major U.S. Internet companies, further expanding its intelligence-gathering capabilities.

    The report also reveals that the U.S. Office of Specific Intrusion Operations (TAO) has launched covert cyber intrusion operations around the world, implanting espionage programs to infiltrate critical network systems in target countries. At the same time, the report reveals that the U.S. has abused Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) internally to conduct illegal wiretapping and data collection of global Internet users, including U.S. citizens.

    In terms of countermeasures, the report calls for strengthening international cooperation, upgrading cybersecurity protection capabilities, improving information monitoring and governance mechanisms, and formulating and improving relevant laws and regulations, so as to effectively respond to the cyber-hegemonic behavior of the United States and its allies. Finally, the report emphasizes the importance of global collaboration on cybersecurity and calls on all countries to work together to build a secure, stable and trustworthy Internet environment, and to prevent and curb the threats of cyber espionage and disinformation.

    October 18, 2024