data resource

  • Data Finance: Valuation Assessment of the Potential Scale of Data Assetization

    The development of China's data factor market is on the road from resourceization to assetization, and the typical feature of data assetization is that data can play its role as a factor of production through circulation in a wider range outside the generating subject.
    In terms of specific data asset valuation methods, the main ones elaborated in the existing literature are the cost method, the market method, the income method and the valuation technique method. For the cost method, although it has the characteristics of simple operation and easy landing, it also has the disadvantages of easy underestimation of value and difficult to accurately measure. For the market approach, although it can be more objective, truly reflect the value of data assets, and easy to be accepted by the market, but because of the need to have an open and active trading market, so it is difficult to practice on a wide scale in the short term. For the income approach, although it can better highlight the intrinsic value of the data, but due to the difficulty of reliable measurement of the future earnings of data assets, it is also difficult to land in the operation. For the valuation technique method, although it combines the advantages of fully reflecting the true value of data, not requiring an active market, and not having to accurately measure the future earnings of data assets, it is still in the exploratory stage because it requires a large amount of data on the value of data assets to be obtained in advance to train the model.

    March 18, 2024