Application security
Global DevSecOps Status Survey Report 2024
The Global State of DevSecOps Survey Report 2024 reveals key trends and challenges in the DevSecOps space, based on a survey of more than 1,000 global developers, security, and operations personnel, with key data highlights
82% organizations use 6-20 security tools.
Test results for 60% contain noise from 21%-60%.
Only 24% of respondents were "extremely confident" in AI code protection.
Organizations in 86% believe that security testing slows down development. -
Global DevSecOps Status Report 2023
This report provides an overview of the current state of global DevSecOps practices, strategies, tools usage and their impact on software security in 2023. It covers the results of a survey of 1,000 IT and AppSec professionals from various professional backgrounds, from the US, UK, France, Finland, Germany, China, Singapore and Japan.
Revealing Third-Party SDK Vulnerabilities: A Practical Guide to Mobile APP Application Security Attack and Defense
This article introduces the actual vulnerability mining of mobile APP third-party SDK conducted by security researchers Li Bo and Zhang Xin of 360 Vulpecker Team. 360 Vulpecker Team focuses on the field of Android system and application security attack and defense, and has a self-developed automated system for Android application security auditing. This article starts from the security status of third-party SDKs, discusses the security risks brought by SDK integration, and introduces in detail the vulnerability risks and attack methods of different SDKs. The vulnerability exploitation methods of push SDK and sharing SDK are analyzed through examples, and the scope of impact of relevant vulnerabilities on applications is pointed out. Finally, some thoughts are put forward to arouse readers' attention and in-depth thinking on the security of mobile APPs.