Is there a hands-on approach to WEB anti-tampering?

expdb Application security 971

Small and medium-sized website, environment configuration UBUNTU 22 + nginx + php In order to prevent illegal tampering of the page, request Is there a simple and fast implementation of WEB anti-tampering? Preferably a free program!

Thank you.



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  • chief security officer
    chief security officer
    Chief Security Officer (

    Current answer is adopted as the best

    1. LINUX commands, generate MD5 signature method:

    find . -type f | xargs md5sum | cut -b -4

    2、Installation of aide tools

    ubuntu commands

    apt install aide

    Initialize aide

    aideinit or aide -init

    Also, use Osquery tool same as aide tool. You can download it from the official website.



    2 months ago No comments